ঢাকা ০৩:০৫ পূর্বাহ্ন, মঙ্গলবার, ০১ এপ্রিল ২০২৫, ১৭ চৈত্র ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ
বাংলা বাংলা English English हिन्दी हिन्दी

About Us

‘71newsbd.com’ is an online Bengali news portal of Bangladesh. 71newsbd is a Bengali word. 71newsbd means the news communication of Bangladesh. The theme of the news Portal is ‘On the Way to Truth and Justice’. 71newsbd.com is a Bangladesh-based multimedia platform for news, opinion, and entertainment. It’s a 24/7/365 platform to keep the readers and audience updated with each moment’s national and international developments.

Journalism based on communications. Communication is the main part of journalism. We believe that communication is our Power. In Bangladesh, we would like to make communication from people to people, man to man by using real journalism. Our destination is Professional Journalism.

Media or news portals are used to inform the people, educate the people, entertain the people, and pursue the people. We believe we can deliver the people real or right information which will build our nations educated and wise. By using real journalism, we will able to make our people know the right things.

In journalism, there are some rules and regulations. We believe we should always obey the rules and regulations to make real journalism.

The news portal has some sections – such as politics, administrative affairs, expatriate affairs, education, health, entertainment, lifestyle, science and technology, international events, communications, law and order, crime, nature, religious affairs, agriculture, and others. We have about 100 journalists to cover the divisions. Some of them are working on the news desk and others are working in the field.

The national and international news is being published on our news portal. We try to post the real news as fast as we can. In Bangladesh, there are 64 districts. We have collected expert and professional newsmen from the districts and appointed them as district correspondents. We believe they will give their best services to our news portal.